What is it?
The 12-month NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme is delivered digitally by Liva and has three main phases:
This is the total diet replacement stage, where all food will be replaced with 4 daily soups or shakes of up to 900 calories, for 12 weeks. You will be supported by your Health Coach throughout this key stage.
In this phase, we’ll work alongside you to gradually re-introduce food over a period of 6 weeks. Here, you’ll start developing lifestyle changes that will support you for the long term. No need to feel nervous in this stage – your Health Coach, and programme of evidence-based learning will support you with the knowledge and tools needed, to re-introduce food in a way that sustains the health changes you have made.
In this stage, it’s all about continuing to sustain the healthy habits you are developing. You’ll work with your Health Coach to embed your lifestyle changes and continue to strategise around what realistically works for your unique lifestyle. You may continue to lose weight during this stage, or you may look to maintain it. Your coach will support you with a personalised plan that works for you on an individualised level.
Who can join this programme?
The programme is completely free but you can only participate if you are referred by your GP practice and meet all of the inclusion criteria but none of the exclusion criteria below, subject to health professional assessment. If you’re unsure if you meet these criteria, please discuss your eligibility with your GP.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Aged between 18-65
- Diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes within the last 6 years
- BMI of >=27 kg/m² in people from White ethnic groups (adjusted to >=25 kg/m² in people from Black, Asian and other ethnic groups)
- Engaged with diabetes care: attended last diabetes monitoring review, including retinal screening (there is no need to wait for this if you are newly diagnosed)
- Willing to commit to ongoing annual reviews, even if remission is achieved
HbA1c within the last 12 months that is within the following values:
- 43-47 mmol/mol if on diabetes medication
- 48-87 mmol/mol if not on diabetes medication
- Be willing to commit to the entire 12 month programme
- Willing to attend scheduled 1:1 video call sessions
- Registered with a GP practice in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent
- Comfortable with just soups and shakes for the first 12 weeks
- Have a smartphone or tablet, an email address, and are comfortable with using technology
Exclusion Criteria:
- Current insulin user
- Currently breastfeeding
- Pregnant or planning to become pregnant within the next 6 months (Note: weight loss may cause previously lost fertility to return)
- Have had bariatric surgery
Has one of the following comorbidities-
- Active cancer
- Heart attack or stroke within the last 6 months
- Severe heart failure (grade 3 or 4)
- Severe renal impairment (last eGFR <30 mls/min/1.73m²)
- Active liver disease (excluding non-alcoholic fatty liver disease)
- Active substance use disorder
- Active eating disorder
- Porphyria
- Untreated proliferative retinopathy (unless newly diagnosed and not yet screened)
HbA1c within the last 12 months that is within the following values:
- 43-47 mmol/mol if on diabetes medication
- 48-87 mmol/mol if not on diabetes medication
- Health professional assessment that you are unable to understand or meet the demands of the NHS LCD Programme and/or monitoring requirements; or for whom the programme is not clinically appropriate; or for whom medication adjustment would not be appropriate
NOTE: A history of gallstones or biliary disease should be reviewed as these conditions can be exacerbated by rapid weight loss.
Is the programme right for me?
This programme is not for everyone. It is important to think about whether this is the right type of support for you so we would encourage you to read more about the programme.
The NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission programme provides one-to-one support, either digitally by Liva, or face-to-face by our partner.
You must commit to attending the scheduled 20 live video call sessions with your health coach which are scheduled throughout the 12 month programme.
You will be provided with the total diet replacement products in your preferred shakes and/or soups flavours after sampling, free of charge. As well as biometric measuring equipment including a set of weighing scales, a blood glucose monitor and a blood pressure monitor (if applicable). On the programme you will be required to regularly measure these and share with your coach, therefore it’s important you feel comfortable with self monitoring. Your GP may also adjust some or all of your blood glucose lowering and blood pressure lowering medications.
After the programme
You will continue to be invited to attend your yearly diabetes reviews with your GP and/or diabetes team, and we will signpost you to any relevant healthy lifestyle services in your area to continue your health and wellbeing journey.
What’s next?
I’d like to join the programme
We currently provide the programme in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. If you live within this area, contact your GP practice to discuss your referral into the programme. They will need to complete a review of your clinical status, complete a referral form and share it with our partner who will conduct an initial assessment to confirm your eligibility and your preferred method of delivery. If you choose digital delivery, your referral will be sent to Liva.
If you have specific questions about the programme, we are here to help.
Send us an email at: livat2dr.ssot@nhs.net
Momenta, now part of the Liva Healthcare group, currently provides the NHS Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission Programme across the following areas.
Read moreBath, NE Somerset, Swindon & Wiltshire
Birmingham & Solihull
Bristol, North Somerset & South Gloucestershire
Cheshire & Merseyside
Coventry & Warwickshire
Greater Manchester
Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland
Mid & South Essex
North East & North Cumbria
Nottingham & Nottinghamshire
South Yorkshire